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Renal ICU

Air-conditioned intensive care unit with state of the art monitors in seven beds for treating critically ill patients. Sophisticated monitoring devices like GE Multipara meter for swan – ganz monitoring, GE Cardiac monitors, L&T Pulse Oxymeters and a new generation Fresenius CRRT machine for Dialysing critically ill patients. It is a challenge to dialyse Acute Renal failure patients with multi system involvement, coagulation abnormalities and low blood pressure. Although dialysis is life saving, conventional haemodialysis is impossible due to its inherent limitations. With CRRT Machine we are able to dialyse patients with hypotension.   RICU is equipped with continuous supply of RO Water emergency Haemodialysis. It is covered by specialist doctors, well trained renel nurses, physiotherapists and renal dieticians.  
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